SpiroDraw06 - Spirograph(tm?) simulator of the spiral-drawing toy.
                   Simple, fun and addictive!


     This is version 06.  Lengthened slider gadgets in the "Set Data"
     window in HI-RES mode to be easier to "grab" with the mouse.


     No company, just an AMINET upload by "yours truly".


     SpiroDraw06 was written by me, Chuck Kenney.  My particulars
     (address, etc.) are included in the user document in the archive.


     SpiroDraw06 simulates the Wheels-and-Rings-and-Pens spirograph
     drawing toy.  Allows the user to specify different sizes for
     the "Drawing Wheels, Drawing Rings", etc.  The use of a computer
     to generate the SpiroDraw designs actually enhances some of the
     capabilities!  SpiroDraw06 is mouse-driven (MENUs, GADGETs, etc.)
     and provides an easy way to create one's own 'eye-candy'.  It is
     fun _and_ addictive!  SpiroDraw06.lha also contains a very nice
     freely distributable "screen-to-IFF" saver utility written by
     Preben Nielsen (thanks, Preben) so that SpiroDraw designs can be
     imported into "paint" programs.  SpiroDraw06 is shareware but does
     not nag the user in any way and all features are fully functional.


     Lengthened slider gadgets in the "Set Data" window
     in HI-RES mode to be easier to "grab" with the mouse.


     There are no special requirements that I know of.
     SpiroDraw06 has been tested on an Amiga 2000HD (OS 2.1)
     and an Amiga 1000 (OS 1.3).


     SpiroDraw06.lha has just been uploaded to the AMINET site,
     ftp.etsu.edu ( and should soon be available on
     all other AMINET sites.


     SpiroDraw06.lha and SpiroDraw06.readme reside in the
     "aminet/gfx/misc" directory. 


     SpiroDraw06.lha is 58,003 bytes long.


     The asking shareware price is the amount sent to me by my first
     shareware contributor (Thanks go to Bill from Glendale, AZ!).
     This requested shareware fee is $5.00 (US).  


     This program is freely distributable but is a copyrighted (1994)
     shareware program by me, Chuck Kenney.


     "SpiroDraw06" is the final release under the name, "SpiroDraw**".
     In the future "SpiroDraw" functionality will be integrated into
     a new forthcoming program, "EyeCandy01" which is currently being
     developed.  "EyeCandy01" will have the capability of drawing
     various other designs (as the name implies) in addition to the
     "SpiroDraw06" designs.  Any future changes/enhancements to any
     "SpiroDraw" features will be implemented in the "SpiroDraw" part
     of "EyeCandy**" only.

     SpiroDraw06, and other programs in progress are coming out of my
     basement as a result of the availability of a truly wonderful
     "BASIC-but-much-more!" compiler, "ACE" by David Benn.  I would
     like to sincerely thank Mr. Benn for renewing my enthusiasm in
     programming and for making it possible for me to make my programs
     available to more than just my friends and immediately family!

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